Exercise Induced Collapse Test

A health screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the DNM1 gene associated with Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC).

Only £55 with results in 7 working days

Our Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test is a fast and effective way of determining whether or not your dog has the potential to develop Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) or pass it on to any offspring.

EIC is a syndrome that is only recently getting the attention it deserves, but is devastating, whether you wanted to breed from your dog, or it’s simply a beloved family pet. Even if your dog shows no signs of EIC, you need to be sure it’s not carrying the gene passively, because if mated with another passive carrier, the puppies could have EIC. Our Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test gives you peace of mind, and even if your dog is suffering collapses, but does not have the EIC gene, you will have ruled out a major cause and your vet can focus on other reasons for the dog’s ill health.

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What Causes EIC?

Exercise Induced Collapse is caused by a defect in the nervous system and the tendency to develop EIC is inherited.

However, it can appear in any dog, because if the dog carries the mutated gene, and it is mated with a carrier which also has the mutation, 25% of the puppies in the litter are likely to be affected.

The recessive marker we test for is dynamin 1 (DNM1).

We can test any dog for EIC, but it is not found in all breeds. We do not have information on whether this is a significant cause of Exercise Induced Collapse in breeds not included in the list below:

    • Australian Labradoodle
    • Bouvier des Flandres
    • Boykin Spaniel
    • Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    • Cockapoo
    • Cocker Spaniel
    • Curly-Coated Retriever
    • German Wirehaired Pointer
    • Labradoodle
    • Labrador Retriever
    • Old English Sheepdog
    • Pembroke Welsh Corgi

When Do EIC Attacks Occur?

A dog carrying the EIC gene, but only from one parent, will appear normal. The only way to tell whether the dog is carrying the gene is via the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test. A dog carrying the gene from both parents may appear normal most of the time. However, when the dog takes part in activities that are a little more strenuous than usual, or very exciting, it may suddenly collapse. So typically, this might be during competition or training, especially if the weather is hot.

The dog’s back legs become weak, and the dog cannot bear its own weight. The dog becomes uncoordinated and may simply collapse. This is sometimes misdiagnosed as epilepsy, because the dog typically recovers quite soon, and does not appear to limp, or to be stiff. However, dogs have died of EIC, so an Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test is an important step in finding out the true cause of the problem.

How Can the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test Help?

Breeders face the issue of owners returning puppies or even dogs that are two or three years old, once the EIC problem manifests itself. So, breeders in particular, need to know that all the puppies they are selling are genetically free of the EIC mutation.

People buying puppies who will become working or competition dogs need to be aware that a dog affected by EIC will need to be kept away from exciting and stressful experiences. So, they will be keen to have the assurance of clear EIC testing.

Owners who simply want a pet don’t want the heartbreak of seeing the beloved family dog in distress, so they too will want to know that their puppy has been tested.

How the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test Was Developed

In the US, the genetic mutation that causes EIC was identified in 2007. The veterinary researchers divided dogs into three groups:

    1. A dog with two parents with the EIC gene (will probably have EIC episodes and will pass on the mutation)
    2. A dog with one parent with the EIC gene (a carrier who can pass on the mutation but won’t have EIC themselves)
    3. A dog with neither parent having the gene (EIC free and cannot pass the gene on).

Of course, there are some gentle canine souls out there, who have both parents with the gene, but who never exercise to the degree of intensity needed for an EIC to happen.

How Do I Do the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test?

Just like a human DNA test, follow these simple steps:

    1. When you order online, we will send you a DNA sample collection kit
    2. Use all the swabs in your kit to collect your dog’s DNA. Just take a swab, rub it firmly against the dog’s inside cheek and then repeat with the other swabs
    3. Wait a few minutes for the swabs to dry, then put them back in the collection envelope provided
    4. Use the addressed envelope provided to send the samples back to us for testing. We recommend using a tracked service such as Recorded Delivery or Special Delivery
    5. We will email you the report within 7 working days

The Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test will give you peace of mind if the dog isn’t affected and, if it is, with one copy of the gene or two, you will be able to plan the best course of action for the dog’s welfare.

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What Will the EIC DNA Test Results Tell You?

The EIC DNA test results will verify one of the 3 possible genotypes for the dog we have tested:

    1. A CLEAR result shows that the dog has inherited two normal genes from its parents and will appear to be normal. The dog will not develop EIC and cannot pass mutated genes on to any offspring.
    2. A CARRIER result indicates that the dog has inherited one normal copy of the gene, and one mutated gene but will appear to be normal. This means that the dog has a 50% likelihood of passing on the condition to offspring, but not of developing the condition itself. Where a potential mate also carries the gene mutation, 25% of the offspring will have 2 copies of the mutation.
    3. An AFFECTED result indicates that the dog has inherited two copies of the mutated gene from its parents and is highly likely to show clinical signs of EIC over the course of its lifetime. It will definitely pass on the mutation to any offspring.

Please click on the image below to view our Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test Result Chart:

Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test EIC Chart

NOTE: The Exercise Induced Collapse DNA test is not a diagnosis. Only licensed veterinarians can legally diagnose an animal’s disease. The test detects the mutated gene that is associated with the disease and shows many copies of the mutation the dog has. The result of this test can support a vet’s diagnosis, but it is not appropriate to diagnose by the test alone. It is a diagnostic tool, as there are other possible causes of your dog’s symptoms.

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Other Dog DNA Tests from AffinityDNA

As well as the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test, we also offer a range of inherited disease screening tests including:

Degenerative Myelopathy Test (DM)

Hyperuricosuria DNA Test for Uric Acid

Multidrug Resistance 1 MDR1 Test

PRCD-pra Testing

von Willebrand Disease DNA Testing

We offer Dog Allergy Testing, Dog Parentage Testing and a DNA breed test which includes information about the personality traits and predisposition to diseases for each breed found in your dog’s DNA.

If you have any questions about the Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Test for your dog, please do not hesitate to Contact our Customer Service Team who will be happy to help you.


Dog Allergy Testing Kit Review
Hello Team, I would love to thank all involved in testing my dog allergies. Since that test she finally lives her life itch free as it enabled us to avoid products causing her allergic reaction. I am very grateful for this report as her health massively improved after we removed all listed products from her diet. Since that time I have been suggesting other dog owners which battle similar issue to use your service. 5* from Blue.
October 2022
Baby Gender Test Review
Thank you so much for sharing the results with me. I am really happy and impressed with your team's service and quick responses all the time. Affinity DNA service is really impressive and I must recommend this to my friends and family. 🙂
June 2022
Siblings DNA Test Review
Thank you so much for your quick reply and explanation it’s very much appreciated and thank you for the great work you guys do.
April 2022
DM DNA Test for Dogs Review
Thank you! Honestly, your quick response and helpfulness has been a breath of fresh air.
March 2022
DNA My Dog Results Review
Wowwwww thank you sooooo much for the results, looking at each individual breed you can piece together all her traits and stances. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH.... well happy 🙂
January 2022
Forensic DNA Testing Review
I’ve just received the results. Your service has been impeccable. I really appreciate all your help, thank you so much.
October 2021
Home Paternity Testing Kit Review
Thank you very much for this! I appreciate your email and your result! This has brought a huge relief, tears to eyes! Thankyou for your service! Worth every penny if not more!
October 2021
Dog Allergy Test Kit Review
We had our dog allergy tested with you last year. We were advised that it is not a good enough test by our vet and many others online. This however couldn't be more wrong. We used the results to remove foods from her diet and even hypo-allergenic shampoos etc. Since she turned 1 years old we had her allergy tested by blood at the vet to see if she had out grown any of these allergies. The results were exactly the same as we were given by yourselves. Everything in red she is still allergic to. Without your help I'm not sure how we would of been able to help her in her first year. Especially given that she is allergic to almost everything hypoallergenic.
September 2021
Paternity Test Kits Review
Thank you so much for your help with this. A very professional and caring service. Reminds me how very different customer services are in UK compared to the service accepted by most people here in Spain. Thanks again.
June 2023
Dog Allergy Testing Review
Please forward my praise to your superiors with regards to your customer attention - thank you for all the communication at all times, and making sure all OK. Much appreciated. 1 day into eliminating salmon oil from her diet (daily supplement I was giving her for for her arthritis) and the turkey menus she is considerably better, all in 24 hrs. Can’t wait to see how she improves within a few weeks of elimination.
April 2021
Paternity DNA Test Kit Review
You guys have honestly just kick started my life!! I’m buzzing
March 2021
Prenatal Paternity Test Review
Thank you so much for the great service and fast results
March 2021
Sibling DNA Test Kit Review
Again, thank you so much, the journey with Affinity DNA has been fast, efficient and the technical help amazing from beginning to the end.
March 2021
Degenerative Myelopathy Test Review
Amazing very fast delivery and so much detailed information!
January 2021
Father and Daughter Paternity Test Kit
I am over the moon with the service, thank you very very much.
November 2020
Health and Fitness DNA Test Review
Many thanks for your support and the excellent service provided by your company.
September 2020
DM Test for Dogs Review
Just a note to say thank you again for sending results in the post, which I received today. Your service & kindness is exemplary.
August 2020
Father and Son Paternity Test Kit
Thank you so so much mark for your fast response with the results. You have absolutely made my families life with this.
July 2020
Father Son Paternity Test Review
Thank you for our results I must say the communication and service were outstanding.
July 2020
Paternity Test for Father and Child Review
Thank you a great result I was hoping to be the father great service at a great price.
June 2020